Sharing our Message: Jyoti Gulati

May 19, 2022
  • Brent Stewart
  • Brent Stewart
    Digital Strategy & Content Leader at Barry-Wehmiller

Jyoti Gulati 有超过22年的商业专业经验. She was a vice-president at Citigroup, a director at American Express and a vice-president at Polaris Software Labs before she decided to exit corporate life in search of her true purpose.

She found her calling in coaching “Business Owners, CEOs, Heads of States, Masters of their Craft and High Performers to increase their impact in the world by realizing their greatest dreams in deepest communion with their highest self, leading their organizations from good to great and being at the source of transformation for humanity; through an inner journey of personal transformation and evolution to greater Leadership Depth.”

Our CEO Bob Chapman recently participated in a mentoring conversation with members of some of the organizations Jyoti has founded to help achieve her goals: the Centre for Transformational Leadership, 卓越创业中心和卓越教练中心. 你可以通过上面的链接观看该会议的视频.

Jyoti wrote a very thoughtful blog post about Bob’s influence on her journey and the effect Truly Human Leadership has had on the leaders she is coaching. An excerpt from her writing appears below. You can read her entire post here.



I first met Bob exactly two years ago, in May 2019, before the world knew what Covid was.

Thanks to technology, we could have a deep-dive conversation from the comfort of our homes many oceans and 12 hours away from each other, me in India and he in the US.

鲍勃·伯格,这本美丽的必读书籍的合著者 The Go-Giver, 是因为我在找五级领袖才把推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜联系在一起的, as Jim Collins called them, as role models for my coachees. When Bob Burg heard of my project, he immediately said I had to meet Bob Chapman, Chairman and CEO, Barry-Wehmiller…

For me, business is a work of art, 一种被称为商业领袖的艺术家创造力的表达, a vehicle to fulfill one's Purpose this Lifetime. I had developed a hypothesis since I had started my journey as a coach in 2010 after 15 years of loving the adrenaline rush of the mad corporate rat race, 而不知道这就是我开始的旅程.

这个假设是关于商业是一种为世界做贡献的方式, if one began with that intent, 一个人能够带领自己和自己的企业从优秀走向卓越吗. Otherwise, 企业和那些领导企业追求财富的人, fame and success were destined to burn out and die the death of mediocrity along the way.

假设是,商业的目的是有所作为. When the Business lives that purpose, it leads to not only greater but sustainable profitability. 不再是政治或宗教来引领推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的物种前进. 人类的未来现在就落在了商界领袖的肩上……

Yes, it is a long haul forward. 为什么你要让你的生活在这条道路上变得困难呢? 因为这条路支持你拥有一切——成功的职业生涯, joyful relationships, 快乐负责任的孩子和大量的营养时间, 同时通过你所做的工作给世界带来巨大的改变.

The old model of leadership only gives you a successful career but at the cost of everything else. In this new model of leadership, you have it all and experience not just a successful career but the joy of a super-successful career that creates a huge positive impact.

我相信这种新的领导模式将改变企业的意义, a leader and a human being inside of that; helping each one of us to contribute massively to humanity, 对世界各地的同胞产生巨大影响, through the shared wisdom of our common heritage, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的创造力和创新能力是人类的特权, and authentic leadership in business and society; creating joy, harmony, peace, 愿推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜这个星球上所有的生命都充满慈爱和繁荣. It indeed is a journey worthwhile…

我深深地感谢鲍勃,不仅因为他对我的生活做出了巨大的贡献, but also the massive contribution he continues to make in the lives of my coachees through his mentoring sessions for them. 我的教练是来自印度的首席执行官、企业主和高级商业领袖.

By mentoring them on Truly Human Leadership, he has changed the way they lead their businesses and inside of that moved my country forward in her journey to be the world's most developed and beautiful nation - economically, socially, environmentally, intellectually, spiritually, 还有基础设施——她的公民最幸福, healthiest and the most prosperous in the world.

After a recent mentoring session with Bob, 这篇文章的开头给出了录音, here's what my group shared through post-session Review and Reflection inputs collected from the participants on how they felt, 他们的洞察力和他们承诺采取的行动.

鲍勃在短短2年的时间里对整个团队的影响之深令我震惊.5 hours session with them. What enables transformation with greater velocity is to have a role model that you can see and learn from because it increases your belief that transformation is possible. 当你相信它是可能的时候,你就能让它发生.



参与者对会议结果的感受如何:积极, Inspired, Wiser, Focused, Empowered, Rejuvenated, Energized, Grateful, Committed, Encouraged, Happy, Purpose-inspired, Insightful, Deeply Moved.


1. 商业是当今社会最强大的善的力量. 真正的商业成功是通过推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜对员工生活的影响来衡量的.

2. How we lead affects how we live. Organizations have a significant opportunity to treat people in a different way; a way that energizes, provides purpose, and leads to personal growth.

3. You can't ask people to care. You have to teach them how to care.

4. 不要听辩论,不要听评判,要听理解.

5. It's the combination of Purpose, People and Performance that creates a winning organization. 鼓舞人心的目标、鼓舞人心的员工和业务绩效都同样重要. Only with business performance, a safe bus is created for people to journey towards fulfilling the organization’s shared purpose. 创造安全的公共汽车是商业领袖的责任.

6. The greatest acts of charity are not the checks we write but how we treat our people every day.

7. Your culture can give you a competitive advantage.

8. Treat your low-performers as you would your own child when he / she is not performing well.

9. As leaders, we can't lose hope. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜必须给你们的人民希望和对未来的坚定信念.

10. Everyone is someone's precious child, so when someone joins our team, it is our responsibility to provide the care, 他或她需要的灵感和支持来实现和实现他们的梦想. 这不仅适用于推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜自己的人民,也适用于推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的商业伙伴.

11. 关心别人需要真正的勇气和技巧.

12. Leadership = Parenting

13. Be the leader you would want your child to have.

14. 商业模式需要兼顾这三者——人、目的和业绩.

15. We need to practice Deep Listening and make everyone in the organization feel that they matter.

16. Treat people with respect and dignity.

17. 作为一名领导者,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜拥有管理推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜所照顾的生命的特权.

18. Leadership is caring and inspiring others to care.

19. Everyone wants to do better, TRUST THEM. Leaders are everywhere, FIND THEM. 人们每天都取得了或大或小的成就,庆祝他们. 有些人希望事情能有所不同,听他们说. Everybody Matters, SHOW THEM.

20. 如果推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜建立了一个伟大的文化,那么人们就会愿意在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的组织中工作. Though, don’t build culture to win the talent war. Build it because we truly care about people.

21. Make every employee feel that they matter.

22. 给予员工忠诚的倾听是很重要的.

23. If we have to let go of an employee; call it an adjustment, instead of firing. And, do it with compassion and dignity so that the individual feels respected and cared for.

24. 作为一名领导者,我的角色是一种特权,也是一个触动人们生活的幸运机会.

25. Everyone is someone’s precious child. I will always remember this when I am engaging with people, personally or professionally.

26. 人们只是想知道他们是谁,他们做了什么.

27. Listen to understand and validate; and not to argue and debate.

28. A true leader doesn't tell his people what to do but asks questions that lead the people to the right decisions on their own.


参与者承诺在他们的生活中采取的行动, professionally and personally, 他们认为这会给他们带来突破性的结果:

1. Keep reminding myself of the huge responsibility I have as I am more important than their doctor in ensuring their health and well-being by being caring and respectful.

2. 对待家庭后勤人员要像对待办公室员工一样的关心、尊重和尊严. Treat people at work like I would treat my son.

3. I will shift from hearing my vendors, suppliers and business partners to deep listening to really understand; relate to them as my family and truly care for them.

4. I will start Listening Sessions in my organization. 每给一个员工负面批评的反馈,我都会感激他10倍.

5. Build a caring culture all across the organization, not just focus on creating that in my CXO team.

6. Caring is a skill. 我会在工作和家里有意识地练习.

7. 我会成为一个领导者,就像我希望我的孩子拥有的领导者一样.

8. I will practice deep empathetic listening.

9. I will share with the Executive Committee and the entire organization the concept of Everybody Matters and take actions to build a Caring Organization. 我还将为整个组织计划一个关于Bob Chapman概念的会议.

10. When I am talking to my people, I will always remember that each one is someone's precious child.

11. I will be the harbinger of hope for my people, 即使在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜作为一个企业正在经历的动荡时期.

12. My job as a leader is to inspire people. I have people in my care. 人们只是想知道他们是谁,他们做了什么. Listen to understand, not listen to judge. 把自己提升到几乎是一种精神形式的领导和个人, 学会如何处理由于不得不倾听而产生的情绪疲惫.

13. I will practice to actively listen to my employees with the intention to really understand than to think of a smart response.

14. I will speak to more colleagues across functions and seniority in the company to build a strong connect.

15. 我将有意识地对生活中的每一个人练习深度倾听.


Thank you, Bob, for being the trailblazer and leading the way to create a more caring and a loving world. May God continue to give you inner strength, health and well-being to spread your Light far and wide. You are making a huge difference.


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